Tuesday 29 March 2011

Bahrain and Chabad Lubavitch

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 Bahraini Foreign Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa assures his friend, the supremacist Chabadist, rabbi Shemtov:

"People must understand that Israel has a historical presence in the region of the Middle East, belongs there and is a permanent presence in the region...Once others will accept these facts, it will be easier to make peace"

Is that why the Revolution in Bahrain has to be suppressed and the corrupt regime protected, secured and supported with military force?

Read this article that has exposed the supposed-to-be "private" meeting of the Bahraini Foreign Minister with Chabad Lubavitch:

Lubavitch Center in Washington, DC, played host to a private dinner for a visiting foreign dignitary - until the guest tweeted.
By Aryeh Levin, COLlive reporter

One a recent snowy evening, guests arrived at the Lubavitch Center in Washington, DC, home of American Friends of Lubavitch, which played host to a private dinner meeting for a visiting foreign dignitary.

"Heading to dinner with a prominent Jewish Ambassador to the United States - will say more after I see if it's on-the-record," William Daroff, Vice President for Public Policy for the Jewish Federations of North America, tweeted on his account.

He was referring to Houda Nonoo, Bahrain's Ambassador to the U.S. - believed to be the Arab world's first Jewish envoy, who attends services at The Shul of the Nation's Capital at Lubavitch Center.

Joining him were senior representatives of AIPAC, American Jewish Committee, B'nai B'rith International, Anti-Defamation League and other prominent members of the Washington Jewish community.

Daroff's message on the micro-blogging site sparked interest, and COLlive.com immediately inquired about it. But Chabad Rabbi Levi Shemtov declined to elaborate.

Soon enough, at 8:45 PM, the dinner's special guest leaked it himself - through Twitter.

Bahraini Foreign Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa tweeted: "Was invited by my friend rabbi shimtov 2 a dinner w/ leaders of the American Jewish community. gr8 discussion abt peace in ME (Middle East)."

"It was supposed to be hush-hush, but, nu, it was tweeted," Ron Kampeas, Washington reporter for JTA, wrote on his blog.

After learning of the tweet, Rabbi Shemtov told COLlive that the minister said: "People must understand that Israel has a historical presence in the region of the Middle East, belongs there and is a permanent presence in the region."

The minister added: "Once others will accept these facts, it will be easier to make peace" - a point he was said publicly in the past, but reiterated to the Jewish leaders.

Shemtov told JTA that, especially around Purim time, it's worth singling out for praise non-Jews who speak truth to power to regional leaders threatening Jewish annihilation.

"There are those, unfortunately too few as yet in the region, who say there is virtue to the Jewish people and if we discover it and explore it we may find the need for conflict is not really there," Shemtov said.

"His excellency King Hamad and his excellency Shaikh Khalid are such people."

This "foreign minister" fool, does he not know that he is nothing to those chabad supremacist, but a mere slave whose only sole purpose in life is to "serve the Jews"?

Does he not know why zionist-Jews "talk" to Palestinians?

Why do they indulge into endless “peace talks” and “peace processes”?

Listen to the Chabad Rebbe’s answer:

“The talks are only, so the public shouldn’t say that Eretz Yisroel is not interested in peace”


Their roadmap to peace !


Their ideology:

"The Jewish people and God are literally one" !!!

"the soul-root of a Jew is higher than any other creation"


Watch how they plot how to brain wash Americans

How they plot to steal more land

Watch and be amazed!


Simple truth

Simple truth

Give me some pebbles to throw

Pebbles are the pathway to life

The echo of its music stays

Long after the shadow of the tyrant

Fades away

Tell me;

Did you spend your life

Searching for happiness

Running after crumbs of food

Accumulating tons of rotting clothes

Desiring heaps of rusty cars

Building a house of rubble

Chasing a mirage?

Calm down

Sit for a moment

And listen to your heart-beat

Whispering :

Your tomorrow never comes

Your yesterday has long gone

Your life is nothing but this moment

You are no-where; but now-here

Don't travel far

The dream of happiness you're after

Is very near; inside

So, give me some pebbles to throw

Pebbles are the pathway to life

The echo of its music stays

Long after the shadow of the tyrant

Fades away

Friday 25 March 2011


Friday, March 25, 2011

 The British Newspapers The Independent published an article today, Thursday, 24 March 2011 in which it stated:

"Fury and shock in Jerusalem as bomb attack shatters seven years of peace"

According to the "reputable" British newsrag "THE INDEPENDANT", no one was killed in Lebanon, 2006 bombing , no child was slaughtered in Gaza, no one was killed or wounded in occupied Palestine , no woman died at checkpoint, no humanitarian activists were killed on board of a ship, no babies died of lack of medication, no child was shot in the head, as the region enjoyed a magical "seven years of peace"

"The Independent" dependency on Zionist collaboration is too big to fail.
So this newsrag collaborates in the now so common yet criminal incitement of hatred against Arabs, Muslims, Palestinians.

"The Independent" is such a misnomer that they totally fail to reflect something the whole world has of course started to notice, namely that for Jewish-Zionist-Israelis and their collaborators words such as "Peace" are exclusive to Jewish-Zionist-Israelis, since they mean savage slaughter of the indigenous Arabs and the destruction of the Historical Holy Land. Their false claim of "security for the Jews" logically implies that the life of non-Jewish "gentiles", do not count!

They slaughter and steal, they call it a "Jewish Nation" and where they was a civilization there is devastation, but they call it "peace" !

If "The Independent" were not a gross misnomer, they would NOT bow to Jewish-Zionist pressure and publish the "seven years of peace" nonsense, and publish instead the tragic reality of seven decades of a war of conquest and an occupation by Jewish-Zionist terrorists who claim to be a "Nation" when in reality they are nothing else but an army, and at this an army of terrorists engaging in acts of utmost psychopathic savagery from slow genocide to the total destruction of the historical epicenter of the three monotheistic pillars that shaped our civilizations. Hence, this army faking to be a Nation, is the enemy of not only Palestine and the Holy Land, but of the enemy of every human being, and the enemy of civilization itself.

Before the invasion of these savage Jewish-Zionist hordes inventors of "terrorism", Palestine and Palestinians were admired for the cohesiveness of its society, and only the departure of these hordes of psychopathic savages will ensure Peace to come back to the Holy Land, and the restoration of its beauty possible, for seven centuries of Peace, hopefully.

It is the moral obligation for every news outlet, to take position to defend Palestine and the Palestinians, for Justice and Peace, against the Jewish-Zionist-Israeli Crimes Against Humanity.

History will not be clement with those who supported the "Jewish State"


Another dedicated soldier in the "Army of Zion" is the "professor of Torture", and " Police State advocate" Alan Dershowitz who declared that Torture could be justified, in his most recent dispatch, he shamelessly states that “Israel Now Has The Right To Attack Iran’s Nuclear Reactors

Alan Dershowitz

Quotes by the soldier of Zion, the Chabadist Dershowitz:

"We cannot rest until there is at least one Chabad shliach on every major college campus in the world""The enemies of the Jewish people focus on campuses . . . . that’s why Chabad’s presence on campuses today is crucial . . . to inoculate students against the anti-semitism and apathy, and to make young people proud of being Jewish.”

"Chabad houses on college campuses we are seeing a revolution in American university education which has been stimulated by Chabad. A major revolution!"

Everyone will need to carry identity papers and will need to produce them at regular intervals....anyone who opposes effective self-defense must support effective police-state measures to make up the lack.”

“Chabad has taught us how to have Judaism without the "oy," but with the joy.” listen to Alan Dershowitz's address, or read his speech

Monday 14 March 2011

Meet the Jewish Settlers

Meet the Jewish Settlers

Now, come to know the ideology of

God’s Chosen Terrorists

We don’t care what the world thinks abut what our land is or what our land is not… we are a chosen nation and the world knows that, and God promised us Jerusalem


“Jewish blood is not the same as the blood of a (Gentile) goy.

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg

"one must recognize the fact that Jewish blood and non-Jewish blood are not the same. The people of Israel must rise and declare publicly that a Jew and a non-Jew are not equal, God forbid. Any trial based on the assumption that Jews and non-Jews are equal is a total travesty of justice."Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg

"In his writings, Ginzburg gives prominence to Halachic and kabbalistic approaches that emphasize the distinction between Jew and non-Jew (Gentile), imposing a clear separation and hierarchy in this respect. He claims that while the Jews are the Chosen People and were created in God's image, the Gentiles do not have this status.... Ginzburg stated that, on the theoretical level, if a Jew requires a liver transplant to survive, it would be permissible to seize a Gentile and take their liver forcefully."



"It is permissible to kill the Righteous among Nations even if they are not responsible for the threatening situation......If we kill a Gentile who has sinned or has violated one of the seven commandments - because we care about the commandments - there is nothing wrong with the murder."
rabbi Yitzhak Shapira


“One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail
Rabbi Yaacov Perrin,


"Jews and God are one"

"Jews are divine beings"

"Jews have created the entire universe"

"Jews have control over all creation"

"The entire creation exists only for the sake of the Jews"

The Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson


The Rebbe Menachem Schneerson

jewish supremay.jpg

"The Jewish people and God are literally one" !!!
"the soul-root of a Jew is higher than any other creation"



"Jews as different in levels of mercy, modesty and acts of goodness"

Rabbi Eliezier Shmetov.jpg

"we are not the same as everyone else
. We are essentially different"
Rabbi Eliezier Shmetov


"Yes, we're different, we're special, we're Jewish, we're created from G-d's thought. Yes, we are chosen"
Rabbi Manis Friedman

" The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews"

Goyim (non-Jews) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,”

“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We (Jews) will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created,”

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas’s Council of Torah.

“There are TWO different and DISTINCT entities: the HUMAN being, and the JEW WHO IS PART of G-D

“We are a G-dly people, we have G-dly SOULS. Our place is in Heaven, in fact HIGHER than Heaven because Heaven is also a created place, and WE are a PART of G-d

“The world wants LEADERSHIP and who are they going to look to for moral LEADERSHIP if not the JEWS?”

“We are to treat other JEWS as DIVINE BEINGS, because that’s what they are”
(quotes by Rabbi Manis Friedman author and lecturer, dean of Bais Chanah Women's Institute of Jewish Studies):

Excerpts from:


We are JEWS because G-d CHOSE us to be His "CHERISHED TREASURE FROM ALL THE NATIONS … a kingdom of PRIESTS and a HOLY PEOPLE" (Exodus 19:5-6).

"We are JEWS because G-d chose us to play THE CENTRAL ROLE in the implementation of His purpose in creation"

Excerpts from


"It is this SOUL that gives the JEW the power to be G-dly in a human world, and SUPERNATURAL in a natural universe."

Excerpts from:

"We have proved ourselves to be the LEADERS of ENLIGHTENMENT, PROGRESS and REVOLUTION wherever we have traveled.."
"If it were not for JEWS, there would be no concept of HUMAN DIGNITY, of meaning and purpose, of the right of every person to education and knowledge, of social justice and of the value of world peace"
Excerpts from:

"the Jew possesses a unique Jewish soul.
This SOUL, the irrevocable inheritance of EVERY SINGLE JEW, is PURE and UNSULLIED, HOLY and POWERFUL."
Excerpts from:




"Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally inferior with no redeeming qualities whatsoever."

"When a Jew acts in a benevolent manner he is motivated mainly out of concern for the welfare of his fellow"
"all the good that the nations do, is done out of selfish motives"

“The kindness of the nations is sin” — that all the charity and kindness done by the nations of the world is only for their self-glorification"
