Sunday 23 January 2011

Chabad in the US Senate and Congress‏

CHABAD LUBAVITCHER RABBI opens a US Congress session with a prayer !

In Senate, the same thing happens

Rabbi Cohen Opens CA Senate Session

For those who don't know who or what "CHABAD" is, here is a brief insight into CHABAD ideology:


“There are TWO different and DISTINCT entities: the HUMAN being, and the JEW WHO IS PART of G-D

“We are a G-dly people, we have G-dly SOULS. Our place is in Heaven, in fact HIGHER than Heaven because Heaven is also a created place, and WE are a PART of G-d”

“The world wants LEADERSHIP and who are they going to look to for moral LEADERSHIP if not the JEWS?”

“We are to treat other JEWS as DIVINE BEINGS, because that’s what they are”
(quotes by Rabbi Manis Friedman author and lecturer, dean of Bais Chanah Women's Institute of Jewish Studies):

Excerpts from:

The epithets affirming that the people of Israel are really special:
"Am Segula" (the CHOSEN people),
"Goy Kadosh UMamlechet Kohanim" (a HOLY PEOPLE and a NATION of PRIESTS),
"Ba'alei Nevuah" (MASTERS OF PROPHECY),
"Kol Yisrael Tzaddikim" (ALL ISRAEL ARE RIGHTEOUS),

Excerpts from:

“We are JEWS because G-d CHOSE us to be His "CHERISHED TREASURE FROM ALL THE NATIONS … a kingdom of PRIESTS and a HOLY PEOPLE" (Exodus 19:5-6).
"We are JEWS because G-d chose us to play THE CENTRAL ROLE in the implementation of His purpose in creation"

Excerpts from

"It is this SOUL that gives the JEW the power to be G-dly in a human world, and SUPERNATURAL in a natural universe."

Excerpts from:,2172582/Can-you-describe-the-Jewish-soul.html#article_email_loc

"We have proved ourselves to be the LEADERS of ENLIGHTENMENT, PROGRESS and REVOLUTION wherever we have traveled.."
"If it were not for JEWS, there would be no concept of HUMAN DIGNITY, of meaning and purpose, of the right of every person to education and knowledge, of social justice and of the value of world peace"
Excerpts from:

"This SOUL, the irrevocable inheritance of EVERY SINGLE JEW, is PURE and UNSULLIED, HOLY and POWERFUL."
Excerpts from:

"Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally inferior with no redeeming qualities whatsoever."
"When a Jew acts in a benevolent manner he is motivated mainly out of concern for the welfare of his fellow"
"all the good that the nations do, is done out of selfish motives"
“The kindness of the nations is sin” — that all the charity and kindness done by the nations of the world is only for their self-glorification"

For more info:

The worm is in the can
Supremacist and Racist Chabad
Chabad around the world
Chabad & EDL
Chabad Lubavitch & the zionist Law-Makers
Why the Rebbe hates Islam?
NO... This is not a Synagogue
Meet the Rebbe

Sunday 9 January 2011

Who would speak up against "Jewish-Israeli Exceptionalism

Israeli Exceptionalism

Alam: Zionism: Two Deficits

M. Shahid Alam shares with us an excerpt from his recent book, Israeli Exceptionalism
excerpted from the author’s Israeli Exceptionalism (Palgrave, 2009)

We do not fit the general pattern of humanity…”
David Ben-Gurion
“…only God could have created a people so special as the Jewish people.”
Gideon Levy

The fecundity of the Zionist project in producing claims of exceptionalism is not in doubt. Anyone who scans the voluminous Zionist literature will be suitably impressed by its repeated resort to claims of Jewish and Israeli exceptionalism. There is scarcely any aspect of Israeli or Jewish history that has not been embellished with some claim to uniqueness.

Israeli exceptionalism has many uses. It defends, obscures, explains away the ‘abnormal’ character of the Zionist nationalist project. When the Irish sought national liberation, their goal was straightforward. They wanted to regain national control over their lives and their country from a foreign power. No one had to convince the Irish that they are descended from the gods; that they possessed a unique essence which set them apart from all other peoples; or that their history, religion, race, language, morality or culture set them above their colonial masters. Occasionally, driven by exuberance or hubris, nationalists have advanced exceptionalist claims, but the success of their movement has not depended on their acceptance. The Irish claimed sovereignty because they knew that they are a nation with their own territory. In order to create their own state, they did not have to establish that they are exceptional.

The Zionists confronted two handicaps that Irish nationalists did not face. The diverse and scattered Jewish communities of Europe – and even more so, the world – did not constitute a single people. Instead, the Jews of the world were loosely united by their religious heritage, but they shared their languages, cultures and genes with their neighboring communities. Moreover, no Jewish community had its own country, a substantial and contiguous territory where it formed a majority of the population. Despite these twin Jewish deficits – the absence of a nation and a national territory – the Zionists were determined to ‘liberate’ the Jews of Europe and endow them with their own state.

The Zionists would remedy the first deficit by denying its existence. They knew that the Jews were not a nation, but it would be unwise to begin their ‘nationalist’ movement with the admission that a Jewish nation did not yet exist. They also did not think that this deficit was a serious hindrance to their movement. With help from anti-Semites, whose attacks had been growing in recent decades, the Zionists were convinced that they could quickly convince enough frightened Jews that they are a nation. Instead of constructing a nationalism based on a common religion, however, the Zionists chose to cultivate a racial basis for Jewish nationalism. They embraced the anti-Semitic accusation that Jews of Europe are an alien race, not Germans or Russians, descended from the ancient Hebrews.

A racial identity offered the best hope of inculcating nationalism in culturally diverse Jewish communities. Only an identity, based on the myth of a common descent, could unite peoples who were as different ethnically and culturally as the Jews of Portugal, Britain, Germany, Greece and Russia. Only the myth of racial unity, only the conviction that they are a single family, descended from Abraham and Jacob, could unite orthodox, conservative and reform Jews into a nation. Once the Jews were convinced of their racial identity, preserved over hundreds of generations in exile, this would also endow them with pride in their ancient pedigree and their unique ability to survive and preserve their racial purity through difficult conditions. This was sure to engender a strong sense of their distinctiveness, superiority and destiny, rooted in Jewish traditions and the Jewish Bible. With confidence, the Jews could see themselves as a unique nation, both ancient and divinely blessed.

The Zionists were more candid about their ‘land deficit;’ this was not something they could fudge. Indeed, their land deficit defined the ‘abnormal’ condition of Jews; they were an abnormal people because they did not have a country they could call their own. Conceptually, the land deficit was easier to fix. The Jews only had to stake a claim to Palestine as their country: there were two ways of doing this. Jews of secular persuasion could claim that they had a historical right to Palestine, since they were descended from the ancient Israelites. In addition, it would be easy to reclaim this land because – according to early Zionist rhetoric – ‘this was a land without a people.’ No one had claimed Palestine during their absence. The religious Jews had a simpler and – for them – more irrefutable claim. Their God had promised the land to their ancestors for keeps. All they had to do was invoke their divine right to this Promised Land.

It turns out, after all, that the Jews are a people with their own land. Once the Zionists had made their case, there would be nothing abnormal about their national project. This was the official rhetoric of the Zionist project of national liberation for the Jewish people. On the back of this rhetoric, the Zionists would succeed in convincing the Western world to support their exclusionary colonial project in the Middle East.

M. Shahid Alam is a professor of economics at Northeastern University. Israeli Exceptionalism can be ordered from

Jewish Superiority

The "DNA of the Chosen People"

John Entine - Abraham's Children: Race, Identity and the DNA of the Chosen People

Abraham's children

Meanwhile, sowing hate through their "unique" and "exceptional" humour continues:

"The Muslim War Council"

"The Three Terrors"

"Kenneth O'Keefe from the flotilla on The Tribal Update"

"The Iranian bomb"


We Con The World

We Con the World

The origin of Eastern European Jews

Zoossmann-Diskin Biology Direct 2010, 5:57

The origin of Eastern European Jews revealed by autosomal, sex chromosomal and mtDNA polymorphisms

zionists get the hell out of Palestine’
~ Helen Thomas

To defeat the aggressors is not enough to make peace durable. The main thing is to discard the ideology that generates war.
 ~ Ludwig von Mises

Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says . . .  I'll try again tomorrow.      
 ~ Anne Henninghake

Friday 7 January 2011

Sowing Hatred

Jewish zionists continue their malevolent acts of sowing hate, causing mayhem, setting ablaze regions and destabilizing societies of multi-faiths, multi-cultures who have peacefully coexisted for millennia, watch how they do it on their prime TV shows:

This was aired by "israeli" TV just days before the bombings of a Copt (Christian) Church in Alexandria (Egypt), on New Year's eve.

The sudden multiplication by such bloody attacks on Christians in Muslim countries (Iraq, Egypt, Sudan...ect) has all the marks of Mossad's false flag operations. Only haplessly ignorant people would believe that Muslims have suddenly, out of the blue, developed hatred of Christians, and are bent on killing them and destroying their churches which they have protected for centuries.

Even the pro-west Egyptian diplomats are overt on their assumption that this is Mossad's deed. In fact the date itself has their signature. Christmas and new year!


Flash back:


The zionist not only that they have their hands dripping of the blood of Palestinians since they decided to rob Palestine, they murdered their own “friends” and “allies”; as when they bombed the USS Liberty in order to blame it on Egypt

They even did it against their own people, as they did to Iraqi Jews to force them to flee their homes

And they have been doing again with commendable achievement in Iraq to flare up a civil and sectarian war:

DIVIDE AND CONQUER is their best game

Iran mosque blast plotters admit Israeli, US links: report


Operation Susannah

In 1956, as reported by the Times Of London, during one of Israel's perpetual wars with its neighbors, the Israeli Mossad tried to trick the United States into siding with Israel against Egypt by blowing up a US facility in Cairo and blaming the Egyptians for it. The plot was wrecked when the operatives were caught and confessed, creating a huge scandal. This event was referred to as the Lavon Affair named after the Israeli Defense Minister, Pinhas Lavon, at that time.

{……….In 1954, Israel sponsored bombings against US and UK interests in Cairo aiming to cause trouble between Egypt and the West.[4] This operation, latter dubbed the Lavon Affair cost Israeli defense minister Pinhas Lavon his job. Israel (where it is known as “The Unfortunate Affair”) finally admitted responsibility in 2005.[5]………}

Operation Susannah

Operation Susannah was a false flag operation conducted in 1954 by Israeli operatives in Egypt against American and British targets, designed to appear as though Egyptian Arabs had carried out the attacks. Israeli agents had infiltrated Egyptian society and recruited Egyptian-born Jews to carry out the operation. The U.S. Information Agency libraries in Alexandria and Cairo as well as a British-owned theater were bombed on July 14, 1954. No injuries or casualties occurred during the bombings, except to one of the operatives, when his bomb exploded prematurely. Egyptian authorities uncovered the operation, initially not realizing it was an Israeli operation. After the Israeli spy ring was broken up, trials followed. Two suspects were acquitted, while two culprits were hanged, and several others were sentenced to lengthy prison terms. One or two other operatives committed suicide.

Israeli defense minister Pinhas Lavon was forced to resign in 1955. Consequently, the aftermath of Operation Susannah is often called The Levon Affair.

by the Iraqi Jew Naeim Giladi

The Iraqi Jew Naeim Giladi wrote a book detailing how Israelis performed terrorist actions and caused the deaths of many Jewish Iraqis during the 1950s so that Arab Iraqis can be blamed for it. The purpose of these terrorist actions was to cause Jews to migrate to Israel from Iraq. All but 6,000 of the 125,000 Jews in Iraq fled to Israel.


The Jews of Iraq - bintjbeil. com

"I write this article for the same reason I wrote my book:
to tell the American people, and especially American Jews, that Jews from Islamic lands did not emigrate willingly to Israel; that, to force them to leave, Jews killed Jews; and that to buy time to confiscate ever more Arab lands, Jews on numerous occasions rejected genuine peace initiatives from their Arab neighbors.

I write about what the first prime minister of Israel called "cruel Zionism."

I write about it because I was part of it.


King David’s hotel

Menachem Begin was the terrorist head of the Irgun when it bombed
the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing nearly 100 people.

 Begin had been a criminal in the Soviet Union (1940) before bringing his terror methods to Palestine.

On the morning of July 22, 1946, a group of 15-20 Irgun terrorists dressed as Arabs entered the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. They unloaded 225 kilograms of explosives hidden in milk churns.(1) The King David Hotel housed the Secretariat of the Government of Palestine and Headquarters of the British Forces in Palestine. When a British officer became suspicious, a shootout took place and the Irgun lit the fuses and fled. The explosion destroyed part of the hotel and killed 91 people. Most of the victims were British but 15 innocent Jews also died. It must not be felt that Begin was merely suspected of being behind these murderous deeds. Begin admitted that the Irgun committed these acts and that they were necessary for the establishment of a Jewish state.

The Outrage  King David Hotel

USS Liberty

On June 8, 1967 Israel used unmarked fighters and torpedo boats to launch an hour and one-half attack on the American Navy ship the USS Liberty, costing 34 American lives and 171 wounded. The Israelis first attacked the Liberty's radio towers in an attempt to stop the Sixth Fleet from learning that the Israelis were the attackers. After unmarked Israeli fighters horrendously bombed and strafed the Liberty, Israel sent in torpedo boats to finish the job. They even machine gunned the deployed life rafts in an effort to ensure that there would be no survivors (witnesses) who could expose them. Just as in the Lavon Affair, Israel hoped to blame this act of war on their enemy, the Egyptians. This time, only the courage and resourcefulness of the Liberty's crew prevented a further compounding of the travesty.

The air strike on Libya
On April 15, 1986 US war planes bombed the Libyan cities of Tripoli and Benghazi. They destroyed the home of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and killed at least 30 civilians, including many children. Gaddafi himself, the main target of the air strike, was not hurt.

According to Victor Ostrovski, a defector from the Israeli Mossad, the US was tricked into bombing Libya when the Israeli Mossad planted a radio transmitter in Tripoli which sent out fake orders to "terrorists" which the US could intercept. The faked orders caused Libya to be blamed for a German disco bombing. As a result of this fake transmission, Reagan used it as evidence to bomb Libya killing 30 innocent people including Qaddhafi’s baby daughter.

Attempt to blow the Mexican Congress

It was Israelis who were armed with 9mm pistols, nine grenades, explosives, three detonators and 58 bullets and caught in Mexico in an attempt to blow the Mexican Congress up on October 10, 2001, one month after 911. Curiously these Israelis were found not with Israeli passports in their possession but with Pakistani passports. The Israelis were booked for conspiracy to destroy a building by means of an explosive by the Mexican police.

If they were successful in blowing up the Mexican Congress then like 911 it would have been blamed on Muslim terrorists, especially if Pakistani passports were found at the scene of the crime. They got caught red-handed here and only God knows how many other incidents that innocent Muslims are being blamed for that was really done by Israelis.

See the following link for more on this:


BBC Reported Building 7 Collapse 20 Minutes Before It Fell

Israeli 911 terrorism ties FOX news report now CLASSIFIED


It is now official: Israeli spies fed fake evidence to US government

Netanyahu: 9/11 attacks good for Israel



The Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv on Wednesday reported that Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu told an audience at Bar Ilan university that the September 11, 2001 terror attacks had been beneficial for Israel.

"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," Ma'ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events "swung American public opinion in our favor

mossad and 9-11

Zelikow's Key Role in 9/11 Cover-Up

Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth

9 11 truth

Architects& Engineers for 9 11 truth

Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice

pilots for truth 9 11

7/7 London Bombings

"Ludicrous Diversion – 7/7 London Bombings", Documentary, 28mn
You probably think you know what happened that day. But you don’t.

Israelis support nuking Iran

Poll: 71% of Israelis want U.S. to strike Iran
Poll: Most Israelis support using nukes


The zionazi criminals don’t realize that the world would never be as merciful or as compassionate as the Palestinians when retribution comes to plague them
They never learned the basic lesson:
Those who sow hatred can only blame themselves when hatred comes bouncing back at them in multi-fold

nahidazionists get the hell out of Palestine’
~ Helen Thomas

To defeat the aggressors is not enough to make peace durable. The main thing is to discard the ideology that generates war.
 ~ Ludwig von Mises

Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says . . .  I'll try again tomorrow.      
 ~ Anne Henninghake

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Life on hold

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Life on hold
With my roots uprooted
Swinging like a pendulum
Exile…home… exile… home…exile…
Where my culture is not celebrated
But threatened with extinction
Torn between two paradoxical worlds
My tortured soul exists
In a state of permanent suspension
Life on hold

With my heart torn apart
I dangle in between the realms of
Earth… heaven… earth… heaven… earth…
My body is here but my soul is far away
Running after my beloved’s mirage
I am endangered of annihilation
Frayed between two impossible worlds
My tormented core wavers
In a state of permanent suspension
Life on hold

With my memory shredded into pieces
I hang in the hue of non-existence
Past… future… past… future… past…
My brain is working
But my mind has gone missing
I am forcibly pushed towards insanity

Worn out between two dream worlds
My agonized being lingers
In a cosmos of thirteen dimensions
In a state of permanent suspension
Life on hold

Will I ever grow up again?
Life on hold
My internal clock is shattered into pieces
The 37 years of forced exile
Have no record in my book of memories
Chapters of lost titles
Blank sheets; page after page
Unseen pictures with no lines
Mysterious characters with no faces
Images that have neither shape nor colour
Invisible words that have no letters
Nor meanings
A sad story with an unwritten script
Life on hold
Ageing by the day
The head inflamed with grey hair
Swallowed by the dark sea of shame
Having to flee without facing the storm
Shaken by the gales of hurt and pain
With my roots uprooted
A freezing gloomy everlasting winter
Watching over my shoulders
Awaiting my decay

Life on hold
I was seven
I am seven
I will be seven
And I will stay seven
Until the day of my return
The pieces of my shattered clock
Will be put together, that day
And it will start ticking again
The pink and white blossoms of my spring
Will become something more than just a dream

Art by Gisele