Thursday 24 January 2013

Final Call

By Nahida the exiled Palestinian
Bani Israel 
You've dug yourselves a hole
You keep digging... Fools
The flood is behind you
Tears and blood and floating body parts

For those of you with hearts that see
Those who want to save themselves
Very little time left
Give up your guns
Give up your greed 
Give up your arrogance
 Give up your support of a doomed ideology
Join humanity

 Face your demons
  Climb down from your pedestal 
 Come begging for forgiveness
Without which redemption is no more

 Shed off your delusions:
Your "spiritual leadership" is a sham
Your “chosen-ness”... Heh
Your “chosen-ness” is your biggest downfall

The call of all prophets:
Hear O Hear, Bani Israel

The darkest of your nights
Has been announced

 Clocks are ticking . . .
Retrieve your conscience
Come running 
You have been warned

The End Game is upon us
 The day of your atonement is within sight 

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Breaking: False Flag

No Shame

Patrick Clawson of the influential neo-con Washington Institute for Near East Studies OPENLY suggests that the US should provoke Iran into taking the first shot.Israel Lobbyist suggests False Flag attack to start war with Iran. Just like 911 in New York causing the deaths of American civilians and soldiers, a million dead Iraqis and for what?

Incitement: Washington Institute for Near East Policy applauds covert war on Iran

Saturday 22 September 2012

Beloved Jerusalem

By Nahida the exiled Palestinian

Ten measures of sorrow God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of pain God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of agony God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of heartache God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of suffering God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of trauma God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of patience God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of endurance God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of bravery God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of benevolence God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of determination God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of generosity God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of modesty God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of tenderness God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of blessing God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of kindness God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of joy God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of wisdom God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of elegance God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of peace God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of harmony God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of tranquility God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of grace God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of sweetness God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of compassion God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of gentleness God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of mercy God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of faithfulness God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of devotion God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of love God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of beauty God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of hope God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of holiness God gave to the world
Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest